Welcome to the Center for Applied Coastal Research at the University of Delaware. Researchers perform cutting-edge research using laboratory facilities including a precision wave flume and tow tank, large- scale field experiment and as developers and users of state-of- the-art numerical models. Research themes are related to coastal engineering aspects of societal significance. Some examples are:
- Shallow water directional wave spectra and storm surge.
- Hydrological, ecological, and biogeochemical effects of storm surge and coastal flooding.
- Compound flooding scenarios and impact to coastal communities and infrastructure.
- Coastal groundwater-surface water interactions and application to salinization.
- System analysis, optimization and application to coastal resilience and sustainability
- Shoreline changes due to beach nourishment or presence of structures.
- Beach erosion and recovery associated with storms.
- Estuarine hydrodynamics, mixing, cohesive sediments, and pollution transport.
- Forces and scour of marine structures, including levees and bridge piers.
- Improved breakwater design, including composition, shape, and orientation.
- Wave breaking and air bubble dynamics.
- Sediment transport, bedforms, benthic fluxes, and seabed dynamics.
- AI and cyberinfrastructure for water modeling.
- Land-atmosphere interactions in coastal urban environments
Click here to find out more about the research being undertaken at CACR
The Coastal List is a moderated email list for coastal engineers. It was established on September 28, 1995 by Robert Dalrymple of the Center for Applied Coastal Research at the University of Delaware.
The purpose of the list is to provide the over 7100 enrolled coastal engineers/scientists a means to communicate with each other so that items of interest for the community will be disseminated broadly. These items might include job announcements, conference calls-for-papers, new findings and calls for action by the group.
Click here to join the Coastal List.